NerdzigRadio Episode 8 - Doctor Who die besteste Serie der Welt
Unser erster Doctor Who Podcast. Aber bestimmt nicht der letzte. Deshalb geht es hier um die elementaren Dinge. Sascha, der keine Ahnung von der Serie hat, will wissen, warum sie die besteste der Welt ist und warum er sie gucken sollte und stellt dazu knallharte Fragen. Können Christin, Diana und Chris ihn überzeugen?
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MP3-Version: NerdzigRadio_Episode_8.mp3
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00:00:00: Fetzige Titelmusik
00:00:13: Sascha will wissen, warum Doctor Who?
00:01:13: Who is the Doctor?
00:08:45: The Discovery of The Doctor
00:16:25: Why is the Doctor (here)?
00:21:40: Are You New Who? And Why?
00:32:25: The Tools and Fashion of The Doctor
00:37:55: The Villains of The Doctor
00:49:00 The Importance of The Doctor
00:51:15: The Love of The Doctor
00:56:10: The Fear of The Fans
01:00:10: The Best of The Doctor
01:09:35: The Verdict on The Doctor
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MP3-Version: NerdzigRadio_Episode_8.mp3
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00:00:00: Fetzige Titelmusik
00:00:13: Sascha will wissen, warum Doctor Who?
00:01:13: Who is the Doctor?
00:08:45: The Discovery of The Doctor
00:16:25: Why is the Doctor (here)?
00:21:40: Are You New Who? And Why?
00:32:25: The Tools and Fashion of The Doctor
00:37:55: The Villains of The Doctor
00:49:00 The Importance of The Doctor
00:51:15: The Love of The Doctor
00:56:10: The Fear of The Fans
01:00:10: The Best of The Doctor
01:09:35: The Verdict on The Doctor